Is it not the role of Man to protect woman when she is being abused? Is it not the role of a Father to protect his daughter from would be predators? Is it not the role of a Brother to be compassionate to his sister when she finds herself in a moment of weakness? The answer to these questions is a very obvious YES! And this is why it is every mans duty to stand up for women today and boycott the pornography industry. The porn industry is one of, if not THE MOST brutal, hateful and treacherous industries known to man. It is an industry that preys upon woman who, most often, have been victims of sexual abuse and profits from this. It is an industry that works tirelessly at coming up with new ways to sell the idea to young boys that woman are simply sex objects and nothing more then this, thus condemning them to a life unfulfilled relationships. It is an industry that poses as a way for young girls to find financial independence but in reality all it does is rob them of their self respect! Did you know the average porn career lasts 3 months? But the shame and diseases that are caught in these three months can and most often last a lifetime. The porn industry, staying true to its treachery, likes to act like this is not the case. They like to glamorize their hate by promoting people like Jenna Jameson or Ron Jeremy, and saying "Look kids, see how FAMOUS you can be". But the truth be told these people are 1 in a million. The industry acts likes the people involved in porn are strong and do this by choice, but please tell me what type of person, in their right mind, would choose to be degraded and brutalized for a ANY amount of money. The reality is that most porn actors, men and woman, end up just as poor as the day they started, and the only thing they have to show for it is a broken self esteem, Herpes or worse off AIDS. The sad fact is that every woman you see in porn is somebodies Daughter, somebodies Sister or might even be somebodies MOM. What started off as simple photos of naked woman in playboy has turned into a brutal industry of hate and violence and only promises to get worse. Its time to end this brutality and as a Man I feel it is my obligation to speak out against this. There are a lot of people getting hip to the game and as we evolve as people I expect only more will follow. check out WWW.STOPPORNCULTURE.ORG cause these folks are doing a lot to spread the word.

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